Monthly Archives: May 2018

by in Events

I3 Award 2018 Best Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science

Last Friday, May 25th, 2018 was held at the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) the XI Night of Computer Engineering 2018 of Castilla y León, organized by the Professional College of Computer Engineers of Castilla y León (CPIICYL)). This event brought together professionals, companies and institutions related to the computer sector. Programm The program of […]

by in Research

Teaching Innovation Project: Learning-service for health: teaching innovation and social responsibility towards the children’s community

In the provisional resolution of the projects of the Teacher Innovation Support Plan (PAID 2018), the project entitled “Learning-service for health: teaching innovation and social responsibility towards the children’s community” has been favorably reported. It is a learning-service project planned for the next academic year 2018-2019 and led by professors from the Department of Nursing […]

by in PAID, Research

Teacher Innovation Project SECOMUCI – SALBIS: multidisciplinary experience between Computer Engineering and Nursing

The University of León has approved the Teaching Innovation Project entitled “Interdisciplinary learning through cooperative work in the field of new information and communication technologies and health sciences” and presented by our research group, SALBIS, in collaboration with the SECOMUCI group of the School of Engineering. The development of this project aims to improve the […]

Switch The Language

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