All posts by: José Alberto Benítez Andrades

by in Research stay, Uncategorized

Master’s visity, students of the University of Nayarit

Marco Esteban Morales Rojas and Daniela Hermosillo Herández have made a stay with the Research Group for two months. During their stay at the University of León, they have carried out various activities, such as interventions at the El Plantío Day Center, with MIR students at El Bierzo Hospital, with Nursing Degree students at the […]

by in Congress

Nursing students propose technology as a tool for more humane care

On November 13th, professors Pilar Marqués and Mª Elena Fernádez of the SALBIS Group (University of León), organized the First Nursing Forum for Society, entitled: The visibility of nurse management: the power of the reflexive monologue. In the act, the true protagonists were the Nursing students of the Ponferrada Campus of the fourth year. They committed […]

by in Congress

The SALBIS group participated with a guest symposium entitled “Addictions and Social Networks” in the II International conference on prevention

The SALBIS group participated with a guest symposium entitled “Addictions and Social Networks” in the II International conference on prevention: Addictions and other problematic behaviors held at the Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry of the University of Seville. The symposium was formed by the following presentations: Analysis of social networks. Basic concepts and applicability […]

by in Events

SALBIS participates in the European Researchers’ Night 2019 at the University of León

On Friday 27 September 2019, the European Researchers’ Night took place at the Palacio de Gaviria (León). This event, in which the University of León participated for the first time, aims to bring science closer to the general public. By means of a series of microchats, of no more than 15 minutes, and different workshops, […]

Switch The Language

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