Roser Fernández Peña

Diploma in Nursing (UB, 1990), Bachelor in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UAB, 2004), PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Professional experience in the health field and in University Teaching (University of Girona and currently at the University of Cantabria).

One of my lines of research is the application of Social Network Analysis (especially egocentric or personal networks) to health as well as the quality of life, social support, the social determinants of health and the transmission of infectious diseases. In the field of higher education, another area of ​​interest focuses on teaching methodologies in particular the implementation and evaluation of reflective learning.

On both subjects, I have made academic stays in national and international centers as well as publications and scientific contributions in national and international congresses.

I am a member of the working groups: Egolab. Laboratory of personal networks and communities (UAB), Educational Innovation Network in Reflective Learning (UdG) and SALBIS (UdL). I’m a reviewer in different scientific journals.


Social networks

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