David Sánchez Paunero

I externally advise the Chair of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability of the UNED and I am a teacher of the Corporate Communication Master of the UPSA.

Postgraduate in Marketing and Digital Advertising by IE, in Public Management by IESE-U.Navarra, as well as DEA in Mass Communication by UPSA.

I have developed my activity in the EFE Agency, where I was in charge of political, financial and economic courts; Antena3TV, and I have collaborated in other media such as El Norte de Castilla and El Mundo. I have been Director of Communication and Marketing of the UNED, editor of the website of the Spanish Presidency of the EU in 2002 and spokesperson for the Commissioner for the “Prestige”.

My lines of research are in the field of Marketing and Communication, where I have participated in publications of experts (“Informative management of crisis in maritime disasters”), the RSC (“RSU 2.0”) and Social Network Analysis (SNA) (“Connected”).

Social networks

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