All posts by: José Alberto Benítez Andrades

by in Achievements

Researcher Lara Martínez Gimeno, finalist of the Nursing in Development Awards in the category of Doctoral Thesis

Researcher Lara Martínez has been a finalist in the Nursing in Development Awards 2021 for her thesis “Project for the implementation of evidence in clinical practice and analysis of social networks of knowledge transfer in nursing professionals”, developed in the International Doctoral Programme in Applied Research in Health Sciences by the University of Las Palmas […]

by in Achievements

10th Anniversary of SALBIS Research Group of the University of León

One more year @GRUPOSALBIS of @unileon meets to assess its trajectory during the 2020-2021 academic year. In July a year ago, the meeting had a priority focus on COVID-19. This year, the members of the committee discussed the key points where they could improve the research trajectory, always bearing in mind the social demands […]

by in Congress, Courses

Participation of the SALBIS Group in the I Virtual International Congress on Health Promotion

On July 9, 2021, our research group participated in the I Virtual International Congress on Health Promotion “Experiences for Collective Well-being” organized by the Collective Health Research Group of the Faculty of Nursing of the Autonomous University of Yucatán ( Mexico) with the presentation entitled “Interventions to promote people’s strengths in the face of adversity” […]

by in Research

Information dynamics in nursing professionals based on social network analysis

Knowledge is a necessary tool for scientific research and progress in any discipline. But scientific knowledge and information dynamics are not only sustained by individuals but are produced and maintained by groups of people working in the same environment where links and relationships can influence the process. To analyze the social networks of information source […]

by in Courses

SALBIS participates in the collaboration between the University of Washington and the University of León

On Saturday June 26th, Pilar Marqués collaborated with Dr. Margo in a teaching experience with MBA students related to health policy. Marqués gave a presentation in which she introduced the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method. This method is one of the research lines of the SALBIS group. The title of his presentation was: The hidden […]

by in Congress


I VIRTUAL CONGRESS ON POSTGRADUATE TRAINING IN THE HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT Organised by ADEFIS and FNN Panel: Nursing and Doctorate. Situation and needs analysis Pilar Marqués bases her presentation on the interdisciplinary perspective of nursing research. She stresses that research does not make sense if it is limited to single areas of knowledge. Progress cannot be […]

by in Research

Raquel Leirós Rodríguez discloses from The Conversation platform with her first article: Male urinary disorders and the pelvic floor.

Our colleague Raquel Leirós Rodríguez has been chosen as an author by The Conversation España (TCE), a global platform for informative content written by academics and researchers. It has editions in Australia, Africa, France, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, New Zealand and Indonesia. The Spanish edition has been in operation for more than two years […]

by in Doctoral thesis

PhD Thesis: Efectiveness of an evidence implementation model in clinical practice and social network analysis of knowledge transfer in nursing professionals

On June 14, 2021, our colleague Lara Martínez Gimeno defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Effectiveness of a model of Evidence Implementation in Clinical Practice and Analysis of Social Networks of knowledge transfer in nursing professionals” in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the effectiveness […]

by in Events

Collaboration agreement between the SALBIS Research Group and the European Institute for Innovation in Emotional Intelligence

On May 19, 2021, the collaboration agreement was signed between the SALBIS Research Group of the University of León and the European Institute for Innovation in Emotional Intelligence The vice president of the Instituto José Antón and meetings were held to begin planning projects that will bear fruit soon

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