Mª Mercedes Reguera García

Since 2003 I work at the University of León as a professor in the Physiotherapy Degree and in the University Master in Healthy Aging and Quality of Life. I teach in subjects related to the promotion of health and physiotherapy in neurology, pediatrics and aging.

My academic background is qualified in Physiotherapy, specialist in Neurological Physiotherapy adults and children, therapist Vojta and Bobath. My research training is Master in Innovation and Research in Physical Activity and Sports at the ULE. Currently, I am doing my doctoral thesis in the Science of Physical Activity and Sports program under the direction of Dr. José Antonio de Paz and Fernanda de Souza Teixeira.

My Research Lines are: Evaluation and treatment of balance. Health and Networks. Quality of life. Neurological physiotherapy, pediatrics and geriatrics. My training in Social Network Analysis has started with my integration in the SALBIS Group. This methodology will be applied to my research topics.


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